Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Although, I know She'll never read this.. I still think I'll write about it... Everytime Her and I talk I think she's lying to me...point blank period.. I get angry about it and in my head I go on a rampage but I never say anything to her.. It's affecting negatively at the wrong time.. I mean who just ups and changing a flight when the flight has been the same for a month... U say u have a meeting on the 18th so you decide to fly down the 19th.. Now you say you have a meeting on the 22nd and now you're flying down on the 30th.. It just doesn't add up.. If you don't wana come don't.. don't waste my time.. I'm not worthy of shit I'm just someone thats trying to put her name in the word.. blah.. I hope your pants are on fire