Friday, September 11, 2009

one blow after another

omg im cryin my eyes out... i cant stop the tears my chest hurt my head is throbbing... why isnt someone here for me with me so i could just cry on their shoulder... I remember the timeTH had cheated on me and I went to my Ace room and laid on her lap crying for about an hour and i soaked her sweats she didn't complain about it though she just let me... i need someone here right now...

Yesterday TH threw anothers girls name in my face. For some odd reason that strikes a nerve and it did I got pissed but I didn't cry. Today Heather sent me an email saying that she hates me and all this junk about her new relationship..i'm like wtf? i didn't ask for neither one of those and yet its what I get..

where's the blade when you need it?


Anonymous said...

I'm here...I miss you...I'll be there around the first...I'll call...we'll meet up...